Video Lectures


Chapter 1 : Web services basics
Topic : What Are Web Services? Types of Web Services
Content : What Are Web Services , working of web services, features/advantage of web services, types of web services 33 MB ,21:22 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Web services basics
Topic : Distributed computing infrastructure
Content : Distributed computing infrastructure ,Internet protocols, Open Systems Interconnection reference model, The TCP/IP network protocol, Middleware, 40 MB ,24:19 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Web services basics
Topic : Distributed computing infrastructure
Content : The clientâ??server model, Characteristics of interprocess communication, Synchronous and asynchronous forms of message communication, Synchronous forms of middleware, Asynchronous forms of middleware, 47 MB ,27:0 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Web services basics
Topic : Distributed computing infrastructure
Content : Request/reply messaging, Message-oriented middleware, Message-oriented middleware, Transaction-oriented middleware, Enterprise application and e-business integration 20 MB ,11:0 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Web services basics
Topic : overview of XML
Content : XML document structure, URIs and XML namespaces, Defining structure in XML documents, Importing and including schemas, Document navigation and transformation 60 MB ,31:57 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Web services basics
Topic : SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol
Content : Inter-application communication and wire protocols, SOAP as a wire representation, SOAP as a messaging protocol, Structure of a SOAP message,SOAP intermediaries, The SOAP communication model, Error handling in SOAP, SOAP over HTTP, Advantages and disadvantages of SOAP 50 MB ,28:40 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Web services basics
Topic : Registering and Discovering Web Services
Content : Service registries, Service discovery, UDDI: Universal Description, Discovery and Integration, UDDI data structures, Service provider information, Web service description information, Web service access and technical information, The publisher assertion structure 49 MB ,26:21 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Web services basics
Topic : Registering and Discovering Web Services
Content : UDDI and WSDL, WSDL to UDDI mapping model, service interfaces, service bindings , service implementation overview, UDDI created from WSDL element, Publishing service implementations, UDDI created from WSDL element, Summary of WSDL to UDDI mapping model, The UDDI API, Interaction with an UDDI registry, UDDI inquiry, UDDI publishing and security API, Querying the UDDI,UDDI usage model and deployment variants, Business information provider roles , UDDI deployment possibilities 55 MB ,27:57 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Web services basics
Topic : Service-oriented architectures
Content : System quality attributes,Common architectural concerns, Definition and scope of reliable messaging, WS-ReliableMessaging, Structure of WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-ReliableMessaging examples , The event-driven nature of What is a software architecture, The SOA revisited, Service roles in an SOA, Reliable messaging, The Enterprise Service Bus, Connectivity and translation infrastructure, Leveraging legacy assets, Scalability issues in an ESB, Integration patterns using an ESB, SOA, Key capabilities of an ESB, ESB integration styles, Elements of an ESB solution, Integration brokers, Application servers, Business process management , ESB transport-level choices 127 MB ,1:10:9 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Web services basics
Topic : Web Services Development Life Cycle
Content : Quality of service-oriented design and development, Overview of Web services development lifecycle, The planning phase, The analysis phase, The service design phase, The service construction phase, The service test phase, The service provisioning phase, The service deployment phase, The service execution phase, The service monitoring phase 41 MB ,24:21 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Web services basics
Topic : Web services development lifecycle
Content : System development lifecycle, Properties of service-oriented design and development, Service-oriented design and development milestones 26 MB ,16:53 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Web services basics
Topic : Web Services Development Life Cycle
Content : Quality of service-oriented design and development, Overview of Web services development lifecycle, The planning phase, The analysis phase, The service design phase, The service construction phase, The service test phase, The service provisioning phase, The service deployment phase, The service execution phase, The service monitoring phase 41 MB ,24:21 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Web services basics
Topic : Building/Developing Web Services with JAX-WS and consuming simple Web Services across platform
Content : creating web service in java and accessing through java and .net, how to create and consume web services using netbeans and using vs2019 79 MB ,37:23 MIN , PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : Introducing HTTP
Content : HTTP versions, Understanding the HTTP request-response model, Uniform resource identifier, Understanding the HTTP request methods, Representing content types using HTTP header fields, HTTP status codes 42 MB ,23:28 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : The core architectural elements of a RESTful system
Content : Resources, URI, The representation of resources, Generic interaction semantics for REST resources, The HTTP GET method, The HTTP POST method, The HTTP PUT method, The HTTP DELETE method, Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State 32 MB ,18:51 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : Java tools and frameworks for building RESTful web services
Content : Java REST frameworks on the market 3 MB ,2:19 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : JSON message format and tools and frameworks around JSON
Content : A brief overview of JSON, Understanding the JSON data syntax, Basic data types available with JSON, A sample JSON file representing employee objects, Processing JSON data, Using JSR 353 �??�?�¢?? Java API for processing JSON, Processing JSON with JSR 353 object model APIs, Generating the object model from the JSON representation 95 MB ,43:12 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : JSON message format and tools and frameworks around JSON
Content : Processing JSON With JSR 353 Object Model APIs, Generating the JSON representation from the object model 23 MB ,10:22 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : JSON message format and tools and frameworks around JSON
Content : Processing JSON with JSR 353 streaming APIs, Using streaming APIs to parse JSON data 41 MB ,17:11 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : JSON message format and tools and frameworks around JSON
Content : Processing JSON with JSR 353 streaming APIs, Using streaming APIs to generate JSON 14 MB ,5:47 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : JSON message format and tools and frameworks around JSON
Content : Using the Jackson API for processing JSON, Tree model APIs, Using Jackson tree model APIs to query and update data 52 MB ,20:14 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : JSON message format and tools and frameworks around JSON
Content : Using the Jackson API for processing JSON, Data binding API, Jackson data binding with specialized objects and generalized objects, single object and object array 45 MB ,18:12 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : JSON message format and tools and frameworks around JSON
Content : Using the Jackson API for processing JSON, Streaming API, Using Jackson streaming APIs to parse JSON data 23 MB ,9:42 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : JSON message format and tools and frameworks around JSON
Content : Using the Jackson API for processing JSON, Streaming API, Using Jackson streaming APIs to generate JSON 23 MB ,8:32 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : JSON message format and tools and frameworks around JSON
Content : Using the Gson API for processing JSON, object model APIs , Generating the object model from the JSON representation (single object) 25 MB ,9:38 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : JSON message format and tools and frameworks around JSON
Content : Using the Gson API for processing JSON, object model APIs , Generating the parameterized Java collection from the JSON representation (object array) 18 MB ,7:39 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : JSON message format and tools and frameworks around JSON
Content : Using the Gson API for processing JSON, object model APIs , Generating the JSON representation from the object model 14 MB ,6:43 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : JSON message format and tools and frameworks around JSON
Content : Using the Gson API for processing JSON, streaming APIs, Reading JSON data with Gson streaming APIs 38 MB ,16:59 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : JSON message format and tools and frameworks around JSON
Content : Using the Gson API for processing JSON, streaming APIs, Writing JSON data with Gson streaming APIs 20 MB ,8:36 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : Build RESTful web services with JAX-RS APIs
Content : JAX-RS implementations, JAX-RS annotations, @Path 81 MB ,34:37 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : Build RESTful web services with JAX-RS APIs
Content : JAX-RS annotations, request-response media types @Produces @Consumes, processing HTTP request methods, accessing request parameters, Accessing query string @QueryParam @MatrixParam 36 MB ,16:26 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : Build RESTful web services with JAX-RS APIs
Content : JAX-RS annotations, @HeaderParam, @CookieParam, @FormParam, @DefaultValue, @Context 40 MB ,18:4 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : Build RESTful web services with JAX-RS APIs
Content : Build RESTful web services with JAX-RS API, and performing CRUD operations using mysql, glassfish 4.1, netbeans 8.2 and postman 69 MB ,29:5 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : Description and discovery of RESTful web services
Content : Web Application Description Language, Generating WADL from JAX-RS, RESTful API Modeling Language, RESTful API Modeling Language, Generating JAX-RS from RAML 80 MB ,31:58 MIN , THEORY + PRACTICAL


Chapter 1 : The REST Architectural style
Topic : Design guidelines for building RESTful web services
Content : Naming RESTful web resources, Implementing partial response, Using HATEOAS in response representation, Versioning RESTful web APIs, Caching RESTful web API results, Microservice architecture style for RESTful web applications, Using Open Data Protocol with RESTful web APIs 47 MB ,26:44 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Developing Service-Oriented Applications with WCF
Topic : What Is Windows Communication Foundation, Fundamental Windows Communication Foundation Concepts
Content : introduction, advantages , tools, end points, components of endpoints, binding descriptions, binding and behavior, contracts and service hosts, types of contracts, service host, hosting, message and channel, wcf client 67 MB ,37:26 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Developing Service-Oriented Applications with WCF
Topic : Windows Communication Foundation Architecture, WCF and .NET Framework Client Profile
Content : explanation 10 MB ,6:11 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Developing Service-Oriented Applications with WCF
Topic : WCF Feature Details
Content : explanation 7 MB ,3:43 MIN , THEORY


Chapter 1 : Developing Service-Oriented Applications with WCF
Topic : Web Service QoS
Content : explanation 9 MB ,4:51 MIN , THEORY

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